Virt-Manager 1.0.1 in Debian

I use Virt-Manager a LOT. Usually you can just run ‘sudo apt-get install virt-manager‘, and you’ll get a nice working copy – the version in the Debian repositories is 0.9.5, which is pretty solid, and is good enough for most uses.
However, I was in a position where I wanted to use a couple of the newer features available in a later version (1.01).  Downloading the latest version is easy, but you’ll need to install the dependencies first, and that’s where you might run into a spot of bother.  These really are dreadfully documented (read: they’re not, at all), so after a bit of googling and poking around, I found what needs to be installed.
To install the dependencies, simply copy and paste the following into your terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0 python-gtk-vnc libglib2.0-bin python-ipaddr libvirt-glib-1.0-dev

You can then download and unzip the 1.01 tarball with the following command:

wget -O - | tar -xz

Finally, switch to the virt-manager folder. The python setup script caused some problems so I found it best to ignore that for now, and instead just run the ‘virt-manager’ executable.

cd virt-manager-1.0.1
sudo ./virt-manager

Now you’re running virt-manager 1.0.1, instead of 0.95 — which gives you a couple more options (and a few more bugs, too)!